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Showing posts from 2012

Full Circle, lost and found again...

Eyes glued to the screen my heart just missed a beat or two only to start pumping again like mad, I realize I have stopped breathing, my stomach is in a knot and I feel goosebumps all over my body. Slowly I take a deep breath,  and another one but now I feel  tears welling up in my eyes, this is my boy, my big boy is looking for a home because his adopted mother for 8 years is leaving country trying to make a living abroad. Never in my life did I think I would find my big boy,  my very first Ridgeback here on the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue Site... For the past few weeks I had been looking to adopt a Ridgeback, in my heart I knew it was going to be someone very special, one that would make my heart beat  faster the moment I would find him,  it had to be male because I had a female Labrador already and we both felt there was someone missing, after my two  beloved Ridgebacks had passed away within 18 months... And here I see him and his companion...

Let go...

Sometimes, just sometimes no matter how strong you are, if you are a man, woman or child you just want to be held knowing that when you let go you will be safe Sometimes, just sometimes you need to let go to find yourself your strength your will to life Come, let me hold you Let go and feel safe c J. Schulte-Zurhausen

Mother's Day - Some thoughts from a mother...

My child I gave life to you; I held you in my arms, a prescious gift indeed. Everything I wanted to give to you, I wanted to do right to you! And then life happened, life with it's twists and turns... Unpredictable life, lesson's to be learned, re-acting to situations as they were thrown at me. I did not choose these lessons my child, but I always tried to do my best as I knew how. My best might not have been enough for you, but you will, may be, do everything better with your child... until life throws it's lessons at you... So when you when you think of your mother today, remember: She ALWAYS tried her best! Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! c    J Schulte-Zurhausen 13.May 2012

A poem by Etty Hillesum

It has been a long time since I posted anything, I guess some time was needed to fill this creative vessel ;) This morning as I was opening my little book, 'Taking Time to Just Be' the page with this poem opened: Such words as "god" and "death" and "suffering" and "eternity" are best forgotten.   We have to become as simple and as wordless  as the growing corn or the falling rain  We must just be. Etty Hillesum I don't know about you but for me, 'to just be' is sometimes quite hard, there is always something to do, some project, some thoughts, some poem, some painting. But the moments when it happens, when I am just in that moment, everything just brightens up, there is a peacefulness within, a golden moment....