Eyes glued to the screen my heart just missed a beat or two only to start pumping again like mad, I realize I have stopped breathing, my stomach is in a knot and I feel goosebumps all over my body. Slowly I take a deep breath, and another one but now I feel tears welling up in my eyes, this is my boy, my big boy is looking for a home because his adopted mother for 8 years is leaving country trying to make a living abroad. Never in my life did I think I would find my big boy, my very first Ridgeback here on the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue Site... For the past few weeks I had been looking to adopt a Ridgeback, in my heart I knew it was going to be someone very special, one that would make my heart beat faster the moment I would find him, it had to be male because I had a female Labrador already and we both felt there was someone missing, after my two beloved Ridgebacks had passed away within 18 months... And here I see him and his companion...