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About me

Hi, I am Angelique...

no not really, I am signing as Angelique because first of all I sign my artwork this way and secondly who on earth would be able to pronounce my full name: Jaqueline Schulte-Zurhausen, which is quite a mouth-full and all my late husbands fault, lol, he came with such a difficult double barrel name.

And yes I am German by birth but have been living in beautiful Cape Town/South Africa for the past 23 years, where I raised my children, buried my husband and am now living with my beautiful Ridgeback and my Labrador.

I started writing and painting full time  in 2006, I had the privilege to study with Anne Schuster, who is simply the best teacher and I so much loved each and every class I was privileged to attend!

When you have children you tell stories...  When my children were young I used to tell them stories on our long walks home from work. Me being me and walking through the forest my stories were always about trees and forest folks etc...

Later in some of my classes I would 'wrap' information in little stories... So in a way I was always a story-teller... 

Image Pinterest Storyteller

May be I can inspire you to write as well!?  Have a look at my page Writers Meet to see the dates of my writing group

It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this blog, learn and heal and come back often! Feel free to leave your comment -  I like hearing from you!

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