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Life's Mysteries...

It has been some hectic few weeks, with the birth of my first grandson and then getting ill etc, etc...

As exciting as it all was nothing prepared me for all these old memories of mine  to resurface, I thought I had put them nicely in a drawer and threw away the keys in typical Aquarius/Scarlett O'Hara style! ;)

But boy oh boy did I remember, the good, the bad and the ugly...

What did help me was writing it all down, trying to make sense of my emotions, acknowledging the memories and letting them go.

It does help, writing it down that is, it brings order to a confused, upset mind and the emotions and the tears ..., well they do say cleaning is done with water...

So a lot of cleaning/cleansing was done and my guess is that it never really ends, so I have my journals and my pen/cils ready for my daily pages, for any thoughts that cross my mind during the day and yes I do go for the jugular, no sense in going only halfway, isn't it?


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