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Life Cycles

Life Cycles,

yesterday I had to put down my beloved Ridgeback, he was only 9 years. He had been ill for almost a year, a tumor diagnosed last year had spread to his stomach; the last few days he was very frail and my heart was sore seeing but not believing what was about to happen.
It was the second time I had to put a beloved friend to rest and it doesn't get any easier! But I do know he is with his sister now who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year.

As I was cleaning the house, washing  his blankets etc today I couldn't help but thinking of life cycles; if you do Numerology you do know that we go through different cycles in life. 

Well, since yesterday when I arrived back home I had this sudden feeling that a life cycle was completed, not only because of the passing of my dog. 

The last few years for me were all about death, death of my pets, my husband, but also death in a spiritual way, letting go of many thoughts and thought pattern, letting go of many previous attachments.
But death is also a promise of renewal, of being re-born so to speak, and this is also what I have noticed, and it makes me think of this little poem of mine:

One day, I know
One day,
Not today or tomorrow,
But one day the pain will disappear
And so one day
I will rise like the phoenix out of the ashes.

Freestyle, January 2009


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