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Forgiveness - A great gift indeed!

Forgiveness a great gift...

We always hear to forgive, others and ourselves, so let me share a personal story about forgiveness:

About 30 years back I had to oblige to a request of my mother to do something that was so completely against my own believe, but analytically I could understand her reasoning and as a 'good' daughter  I followed her instruction.

For years this haunted me, I could forgive myself, but had the other person forgiven me??? So it came as a completely surprise when one day I received an email from that person telling me how grateful she was for doing what I did back then. 

(I am afraid I can't go into details, as it involves a family member and very private details).
Believe me I was first in shock, because we have never spoken about it, no one ever mentioned it again in all these years and then the tears just welled up washed away the pain that I carried for all these years.

Forgiveness is a powerful gift indeed.

So today phone or email someone, tell him or her you forgive them, or say I do understand what you did or why you did it and I love you...

Do it today, remember the other person is living with the pain. -


What an amazing post. I regret that after my great-uncle Fred died, my grandmother kind of forced my mother and us to shun his wife, my Aunt Kay. Aunt Kay was Fred's second wife and Grandma never liked her. But she was always kind to us and I know she loved us. But Grandma was such a force, and it was a case of being "with her" or "against her." Aunt Kay is gone now too, and I wish I could tell her how sorry I am that we didn't stand up to Grandma and find a way to keep her in our lives. I've "told" her in my prayers, but I guess this is also my "email" to her as well.

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