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Showing posts from March, 2014

I am free at last...

Free at last When you look up to the sky you'll see me in the clouds whispering 'I am free' When you feel the wind carressing your face you will hear me whispering 'I am free' When you feel the rain gently rolling down your cheeks you will hear me 'I am free' When you look up to the stars at night you will know 'I am free'   When you watch the eagles dancing in the sky you will know I am free at last! c J. Schulte-Zurhausen 2013

I sold my life...

I sold my life, the life as I knew it with all the memories and attachment to things and left the country I lived in and learned to love despite or may be because of all it's challenges. Selling my house, my furniture, my memories, and only keeping a few necessities and memorabilia to start a new life in the country of my birth, a life without my husband who had just passed on. Feeling lost and lonely and drifting without direction and any support I wanted to make a new start in a country that was familiar to me, or so I thought. In short, I returned after only 9 months, together with my 15 boxes and my 2 beloved Ridgebacks that never left my side and started making a new life in a country that had become my home and that I love so much. It was not an easy time to start from scratch, falling very ill, unable to move at many days. The most upsetting part, which I only realized today how much it had hurt, was how I had been taken for a ride by unscrupulous people. Buying a hou...