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It has been a year...

I can't believe it has been over a year since my last  post. Truth to be told I did not even write much...

Sometimes I would take my book and pen and sat there and started scribbling and merely ended up with some diary style writing, not what I wanted.

But what did I want to write about?

I don't know... there are many stories I felt needed to be told and yet, who cares? Does anyone care if the stories were written, I don't think so...

So back again, why write?

For the past few years my little black book was my confidant, my best friend,  my soul speaking, my safety net, my tears, my tantrums, my thoughts and prayers and sometimes the only way to keep on going....!

So now after every tear had been shed, every prayer had been prayed there is this emptiness, nothing more needed to be said, it is all there in my little black books; so you see writing was therapy for me.  I needed to write in order to heal and bring perspective back into my life..

 And still I have no idea, as I said there are so many stories to be told and may be one day I will tell all these stories... or may be not...


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