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Please continue reading, further down I have added my own thoughts in bold and cursive....

From La Loba, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With The Wolves. Pp.26-28
....'the one that has many names. One who knows, it is the source of the feminine. The intuition, clairvoyance, who which listens carefully and has the true heart. She is the creator of the cycles,  is the life force' (Estes, 1994).
And La Loba sang louder than the ground shakes digging up a bone. And then La Loba whispered all that is lost can be found, all that is dead can be resurrected. So my first task was to learn to understand within me that I should let to live and what I should let to die.  And in the process I should walk through the inner and outer worlds collecting my bones. And when my skeleton was complete, La Loba would sing about it and bring back the creature, my soul indestructible. Many nights passed until I find all my bones. Many expeditions to the underworld. Many masters, friends and relatives helped me along the way. But most of the road I travel alone, for La Loba said that this was an individual journey.

JSZ: There comes a time in a woman's life when life seems to fall apart, a life changing event of any kind, a natural disaster or a professional or personal disaster of any kind;  children all grown up and left home, you find yourself alone because your partner is not by your side and you are falling apart. 
 You know that sinking feeling, the feeling as if you are falling into a big black pit? 

Your spiritual 'bones' your structure that what was you, that what had supported you is no more...  You grieve and at some stage when your spirit is tired of grieving, when there is no more tears left to cry, it is then when you will  start collecting your new ' spiritual' bones.
 And as scary as it seems at the beginning and you 'howl' out of despair and fear, it is at the same time an opportunity to re-create yourself, to bring back the wild and wise woman that you are!

As  CP Estes writes: .... 'And in the process I should walk through the inner and outer worlds collecting my bones'...

JSZ: And when you have found your bones, when you have found and created your own identity, when you have resurrected the  authentic you,  you will have created the ..'soul indestructible'...
It is not an easy journey, it is an individual journey, there is no short-cut, it is no easy way but you might find helpful souls along your journey, but most of the road you will need to travel alone!

...' Then one day I meet La Loba with all my bones in a bag. La Loba then smiled, and said it was a long journey, no is?
  ...'and when she has assembled an entire skeleton, when the last bone is in place and the beautiful white sculpture of the creature is laid out before her, she sits by the fire and thinks about what song she will sing.
    And when she is sure, she stands over the criatura, (creature) raises her arms over it, and sings out'...
    ...'And still La Loba sings so deeply that the floor of the desert shakes, and as she sings, the wolf opens its eyes, leaps up, and runs away down the canyon.
    Somewhere in its running, whether by the speed of its running, or by splashing its way into a river, or by way of a ray of sunlight or moonlight hitting it right in the side, the wolf is suddenly
transformed into a laughing woman who runs free toward the horizon.
 Clarissa Pinkola Estes


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