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Eagles circling high

Today I had time again to go through some of my old journals and came across this little freestyle poem. Eagles are close to my heart, so they will always find their ways into my writings.

How do I get my poems, easy actually, I write in FREESTYLE about something that is on my mind or a topic I choose, usually about 4 pages and then I leave it. I don't look at what I have written for a day or two sometimes even longer and then one day whilst reading through it I will pick passages I like, those that - talk - to me and from those I create a poem.

Eagles circling high

Standing in the open field
on a clear crisp morning
one of these perfect days

Eyes wandering to the distance
Eagles circling high  in the sky
calling, calling for its mate
a sound so lonely so forlorn

Watching it circling  high in the sky
my heart and soul opens and
I am letting go and fly with the winds of life

Freestyle, 2008


That is absolutely lovely and vivid. Thank you for sharing. My poetry is always freeform too, and usually comes to me all in a rush (not very often though!)
Angelique said…
Thank you Melissa, I am glad you like it. Sometimes a poem comes to me just 'ready' to write down as well, like the other day when I was driving. I guess it has to do with being more relaxed/balanced and in tune with the creative sparks on some days ;)

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