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Writing is psychic energy!!

Roberta Allen writes in her book ' Fast Fiction'

...Writing is energy, psychic energy. When the desire is really strong, there's a lot of energy in that desire. The more energy the better.... Without energy, writing is dead, it is just words...

It's exciting to start something new. It's also scary. It's okay to be scared. In fact, the more scared you are the better. There's a lot of energy in being scared.... So think of your fear as a place to begin.

From my own experience I can 100 % support this statement. But take it a bit further, any kind of strong emotion, such as love, loss, grief, anger, any kind of strong emotion will help you to write!

Of course we should Freewrite/timed writing, every day, no matter how our emotions are!

When I read through my journals and my poems, the strongest writings were when I was in some kind of strong emotional state.

Start writing, don't think, sit down and allow your pen/cil to move freely. Write about your love, your anger, your frustration, your loss, your grief, just write! Don't plan, don't think layout, don't think punctuation, don't think of 'colouring' your words, just pour out your heart.
You will come to a point where the pen/cil in your hand slows down, when your heart or brain feels empty, when you stop shaking, when you feel at peace.

Continue writing because this is the time is when the solution of a problem, when healing takes place!


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