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Going for the jugular...

Natalie Goldberg writes in her book -Writing Down the Bones, Shambahala 1983, page 8 'Go for the jugular' If something comes up in your writing that is scary or naked, dive right into it. It probably has lots of energy.... Page 9 ... at the beginning you may feel great emotions and energy that will sweep  you away, but don't stop writing....

I have filled to many journals to count and most of them during my time of grief, when my husband passed away, when my beloved dog passed away, when I went on my 9 months overseas odyssey, filling the pages with my thoughts, my sorrows, my pains, my triumphs and my defeats. 

Reading through some of it now I find those pages where heavy tears fell down on them, but I continued writing, there were days when I became so angry I literally threw the book into the next corner, -to much french blood in my veins, lol- but I continued writing. I simply went for the jugular....


I think that's why journals are often such a good source of material for writers - so full of emotion. By the way, Natalie Goldberg does frequent writing workshops at the upaya zen center here is Santa Fe.
Angelique said…
Thanks Melissa for your comment! Yes they are indeed, and every time I read through them I find something interesting I had forgotten and also it shows my own healing progress... I wished I could attend a writing workshop with Natalie...

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