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Books I loved reading...

I started reading veeery early, some of my early memories are Peter Rabbit, Pooh Bear and a  story book with  Fairies.
Because I grew up with an older and a younger brother I got to read Karl May, Jules Verne and the like.
I still remember when my mother gave me one of her books, I must have been 10, Gone with the Wind.
Well after all the boys books it was definitely something different and it took me a long time to start reading this one but once I started I could not stop. Later as a young woman I read this book again and took a lot of courage from it.

Once when I was ill my father came home with a book just for me, what a treat!!!   Little Women by Mary Alcott, which is still  my absolute favorite book , and my favorite character was Jo!
Jo is a very unconventional person, a free spirit if you wish, she has a big heart and is the writer to be, she would always withdraw into the attic to write equipped with apples...

In the years I have read many books but I will always remember these two fondly...

Happy Holidays everyone!


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