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Writing as therapy!

When writing as a therapy a person uses both hemispheres of their brain, which enables their experiences to become completely integrated into the mind.

Writing has been proven to be an excellent form of stress relief for many people. All you require is a pen and journal, or even a piece of paper and a quiet area where you can explore and write down your thoughts. This makes it one of the most inexpensive forms of therapy, or where it is impossible to get to a therapist due to distance

Writing can release the tension in your mind by providing you with self-knowledge and allowing you the chance to heal emotionally.

So go and get some paper, make a cup of coffee or tea or hot water, sit comfortably, be sure you won't be interrupted and start writing.

Start with something  like: Here I am sitting now and am supposed to write... no idea what I am supposed to write... -continue like this for a minute and two and you will see all the sudden you have finished a few pages!

And then? Go and stretch, leave your pages for a moment and then go back and read again and then put it away. Don't judge, don't worry about grammar, punctuation  etc, this is NOT important... and tomorrow sit down again and start writing, and the day after and every  day...

Give it a try and let me know how it went 


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